In this episode, we speak, yet again to Julian Van Der Wall Of Spartan Alliance.
Spartan Alliance has every solution that you will need to grow and scale your business. There are two types of business–those that have had tough times and those that are going to have tough times.
Generally, tough times relate to money dramas, either a lack of business or a client that goes broke or a combination of the two. Of course, there are other issues that can create tough times but more importantly, what do we need to do to survive them? I have experienced a lot of tough times in business and at Livelong Digital I’ve certainly helped a lot of businesses to get through tough times as well.
From these experiences, there are seven absolutely non-negotiable things that have continually proven to be the most helpful to get through and actually come out the other side in better shape.
Watch this video and learn how you too can get past these tough times.