Use this free press release template to get your business covered on media sites and big name blogs that cover your industry (available in Word, Google Docs and as a PDF). Whether you’re shooting for top-tier news publications or niche blogs, this press release template will help you get more placements.
Press Release Template
The Digital Marketing Templates Library
Public relations is one of the oldest, most effective marketing channels in the world. Press coverage can lead to more traffic to your site, more credibility for your brand, and opportunities you’d never get without it.
And press releases are an incredibly important part of the process.
Don’t get me wrong.
A single press release isn’t going to transform your business. But over time, they can make a HUGE difference.
Here’s what’s included in this Press Release Template:
Using a good template will help make your press release stand out. But a press release is not a guaranteed marketing tool. Successful publicity depends on dozens of different factors (including luck). Here are a few tips to help:
Press Release Template
The Digital Marketing Templates Library