How to Offer Good User Experience to Your Customers

User experience is what a visitor will experience while navigating your website. It is important to for any website as it helps SEO and all the major search engines considers it a positive signal that determines the ranking of a website.

Nowadays, search engines like Google, Bing and others primarily focuses on how a user interacts with a website. If a user is happy with the website, search engine is also happy.

When you want to satisfy your customers, you should provide high-quality products and services. Not only should you have approachable and easy-to-reach customer agents, but your website should be user-friendly as well as it is one of your most important digital marketing tools in this time and age when more and more people go online to look for what they need.

If you want a higher ranking in search engines and gain more buying customers, you should offer a positive user experience. User experience (UX) refers to the overall experience of a visitor when they go to your site. If your site is easy to use, visually engaging and possesses all the essentials, you’ll undoubtedly satisfy your customers.

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To help you achieve a good user experience ranking, you may use the following tips:

1. Create A Responsive Design

When you say responsive web design, it means that your site could fit and adjust to any size and type of screen. Your website is responsive if it can fit into screens of mobile devices as well as that of desktop computers. On the one hand, if your site is not compatible with a certain device, visitors will find it hard to navigate your page, forcing them to leave your site even before reading any of your content.

To achieve a responsive site, you must hire a reliable web designer or do the following:

Since a huge number of site visitors use touch-screen mobile devices, you should incorporate swipe gestures for image galleries, menus, banners, and other vital content. With such, mobile users can easily navigate your page.

For larger screens, you should be able to show more, which means your desktop users can visibly see the images and contents of your site. For smaller screens, you should hide more content to avoid decluttering your page. You may use accordions and tabs to hide or show content.

Most importantly, it would help if you use appropriate font sizes and weights on your web pages. It would help if you also balance the size ratio of paragraph texts and headers. But, these things should appropriately adjust depending on the screen size.


2. Useful user experience tips: Write Useful and High-Quality Content

After designing your site to become responsive, you should also focus on the content of your web pages. Don’t just blog about anything you want to say. Instead, write informational articles that’ll answer or help your visitors solve their issues.

Not only will you satisfy your customers if they read informative articles on your site, but it’ll also help you rank higher in search engines. So, when you’re writing content, make sure that it relates to what the majority of your audience needs. Also, it would be best if you make your content actionable by giving your readers tips or answers.

3. Work On Your Loading Speed

One way to satisfy your customers is to direct them to your website with high loading speed. People today are impatient due to the fast-paced world they live in, so, basically, your visitors don’t have time to wait for too long for your page to load as they know that many other websites can give them what they need faster.

You may speed up your site by doing the following:

Pick a web hosting company with reliable and solid hardware to host your site.

Aside from getting the right web hosting company, it would be best if you also work on your website optimization. You can do so by reducing your image or video sizes.

Most importantly, it would help if you use a CDN or content delivery network wherein you can store and duplicate the static elements or files of your sites. With such, your visitors wouldn’t have to wait for a long time to access your pages.

4. White Space

If your pages don’t have enough white space, your site visitors may also leave.

Basically, white space collectively refers to the unmarked portions of a page. It has to do with margins, as well as the spaces between lines, objects, graphics, columns, and the likes. A site with too many visual elements could make your website look overcrowded. Instead of nauseating your visitors from seeing too many whatnots at once, you can make better use of white space to make your content readable. Also, with an empty space, you’re giving your users a break from information overload.

When you keep your layout simple and eye-friendly, you’re letting your users read your content with comfort, attracting more visitors in the long run.


5. SEO Set up

Making your website reasy for SEO may sound comple to many. But it is as necessary as the existence of website itself. Without SEO implementation, users will nto find your website in search engine. That basically stops you drom getting continuous new customers. On the other hand, with a proper SEO setup, your website will show up in the search results for relevant keywords and and you will be getting more visitors and therefore potential customers.

To make your website SEO friendly, you need to go through a numbe of steps. It incudes indexeding google, decreasing page loading speed, SEO friendly content creation, inbound and outbound links, page titles, head tags, meta description and many more.

But first you need to know what is wrong with your webiste right? You can check it for free using Live Long Digital free SEO checker.

As a new bsuiness owner, this mignt sound a bit complex to you. In that case you beter look for professinal help if you are not aware of how to handle SEO set up. Look for the best SEO company in Melbourne or simply visit


Positive user experience is key to satisfying your customers whenever they go to your site, more so if you provide informative articles that load quickly. It’s also necessary for your Web page to be easy on the eyes, which makes it easier for visitors to navigate your site. Through this, you’ll undoubtedly retain your loyal clients and attract new ones.